AM in the world

AM in the world

Over the years, AM international has established fruitful collaborations with a series of prestigious partners, promoting and participating in several special projects that go beyond the exhibition events and that have facilitated a full sharing of the Association's mission.

External Projects

For the organisation and care of twinning in the world, AM international adheres to the World Federation of United Cities (a non-governmental organisation recognised as of public utility by the UN).

In order to study and understand the attitudes, trends and motivations of the new generations, it founded the Florence Local Committee: a permanent observatory that promptly grasps the emerging problems in artistic research conducted by young authors.

In order to promote artistic research carried out by authors working mainly in Calabria, through the project Le Ambasciate Culturali all'Estero (Cultural Embassies Abroad), he set up the Documentation Centre on Contemporary Art DoC-Art Gallery City of Bayswater (W.A.).

The City of Bayswater bays.13

An important point of reference and meeting point for artists of different backgrounds and origins, which takes the form of an intense exchange programme of artists in residence between Calabria and Australia.


Among the international cultural events organised by AM international, the following are worthy of mention:

1988 - Representing the Region of Calabria in the International Exhibition in Adelaide (S.A.).

1990 - With the "Energies" programme, he represented the Region of Calabria at the Fremantle/Italian Festival (W.A.)

1993 - As part of the regional programme of Italian-British Youth Exchanges, he organised the comparison between young artists from the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro and the College of Art and Design of Wigan (Manchester) carried out reciprocally in the two partner cities.

In 1994 he organised and curated the twinning between the cities of Bivongi (RC-Italy) and Midland (W. Australia) and produced the documentary exhibition on Tommaso Campanella (curated by Armando Brissoni) which travelled to The University of Western Australia in Perth, University of Woollongong (N.S.W.) and the Italian Historical Society of Melbourne.

In 2000 he presented the collection of works from the Mimmo Rotella Foundation at the National Museum of Perth (W.A.) and organised the exhibition of the documentary exhibition on Tommaso Campanella at Curtin University in the same city.

In 2002 he organised seminars on Calabrian Literature (curated by Pasquino Crupi) held at Universities and Cultural Institutes in Perth, Sydney and Canberra.

In 2004 he represented the Region of Calabria at the WestEnd Festival in Perth and organised the exhibition Identity and Contaminations at the ARTRAGE Gallery in North Bridge.

In 2006 he organised the international conference The Italian Diaspora After the Second World War and the following year presented the proceedings in Woollongong (N.S.W.).

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